Thursday, November 22, 2012

Mind Blowing Global Warming Facts

Hello, My fellow Viewers!

        I was just browsing the web earlier today, and I came across some really startling information about global warming. I'll provide the link below this post, but for right now, here is what I found in a nutshell.

- Planet Earth could lose 50% of it's species by 2050 is we keep polluting the way we are currently.
- Around 27,000 species become extinct every single year. That is an alarming amount, and humans are the only ones to blame.
- We are losing about 40 million acres of forest areas every year because of deforestation, only 12% of our forests are in the state in which it originated from.
- In Greenland, 12% of the surface ice melted, which is a record amount! (in 2007)

There is a lot more great information on this website:

So check it out, it's definetely worth your time!

Thanks for reading! :)

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