Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Beach Cleanup!

You know what an ocean is right? Well, maybe you do now. But what will it be later in the future? We are using the ocean as a huge garbage dump! A lot of people dump their garbage in the ocean because they think it will magically disappear. Well, let me put it this way: the Mediterranean Sea gets about 6 MILLION items of garbage a day!! And that started a few years ago, now there are about 750 million items of garbage in total on the surface of the water. No joke. The most amount of garbage has come from the shore. All the wildlife underwater will die. Unbelievable, isn't it?

Now comes the part of pollution. Evaporation occurs, and water droplets go up and form rain clouds. But because the water is contaminated with all the human garbage, the water droplets are filthy. But even worse, the liquid wastes from factories like mercury and lead, all get completely evaporated and they form acid rain. That hurts marine life very much. The water is polluted, the fish cannot breath properly because just like us, they need fresh water. Not polluted, acid water.

See, if you clean up beaches, then you can save a lot of marine life. Just throwing away that chip packet can save a lot of fish!

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