Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cool Scientific Terms!

Hey Guys!

       I just wanted to share with you all some really cool science terms that I learned in school over the past few weeks. There're all related to biology, so if your looking for physics or chemistry terms, sorry! Anyway, here they are:

Salinity: Salt

Oligotrophic: Low in nutrient content (refers to a water body)

Eutrophic: High in species richness, biodiversity and nutrients (refers to a water body)

Primary Succession: A type of ecological succession that starts in a virtually lifeless area, where soil has not formed yet. For example, if a volcano erupts, the lava and smoke would kill off all the eco-systems around it. So if a new eco-system is born out of that kind of situation, it would be called Primary Succession.

Secondary Succession: The second type of ecological succession. Basically, this starts with an event such as a forest fire or hurricane (an event that weakens or damages an eco-system) and a new eco-system emerges out of an already established but weakened eco-system.

Biodiversity: The variety of life in an ecosystem.

Species Richness: The number of species in an area.

Thanks for reading, contact me if you want to learn more cool terms via Twitter, Facebook or Email.


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