Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Spencer The Rhino

Hello readers!

        I just read something in a newspaper that I felt really strongly about, and so I wanted to share it. Recently, a rhino named Spencer died because of common misconceptions that people often have. What people have done to 'Save' this rhino was implant a tracking device and a toxic pesticide in the rhinos horn to deter poachers. This procedure was experimental and it turned out to be unsuccessful, in Johannesburg.

       One of the people conducting the procedure on the rhino said "The easy way out is to say 'No more' - but then the poachers win". But doesn't that mean the people conducting the experiment on the rhino are as bad as the poachers? They could have focused on alternative ways to save this rhino from poachers without harming it in any way, or touching it for that matter. But what do you guys think about this?

This picture was taken in Johannesburg, where the rhino passed away.


1 comment:

  1. I agree. We shouldn't use such "internal" tracking devices. Why not use a tiny tracking device that is attached like a bracelet instead?
