Sorry it's extremely big, but this picture delivers a huge message. Did you know that North America uses the most electricity as against other countries?Just looking at the picture tells you that. They are the largest consumers of electricity in the world. They use it for average homes, huge business, buildings, etc. An average home is North America uses about 14000 Kwh (kilowatts-hour) per year. To understand that, let me give you an example. An A/C in your house uses about 3.7 kilowatts. So in an hour, the A/C would use 3.7 kwh. A 100 watt lightbulb uses 0.1 kilowatts, because 1000 watts is a kilowatt.
But before the big detail, let me explain Earth Hour. It started in Sydney, Australia, 2007. 2.2 million households and buildings turned off their lights for one hour. You might think it's not a lot. But actually, they saved so much power that they could use the saved power to power up a whole city for a 3 days. So because Australia saved so much power, the whole planet got involved one year later and turned off their lights. 50 million people across 35 countries contributed by turning off their lights for one hour. That's how it started. Earth Hour is only for one day. But you can do so much more than just turn off your lights for one hour each year! You can turn your lights off everyday, try consuming as less much power as you can. You can turn off that television when no one is watching. Don't let the maths confuse you. Just try and save as much energy as you can, and you wouldn't need to worry about it! Oh man, my robot is munching away on lightbulbs again! I have to stop him, so buh bye, and remember, save power!!!