Thursday, March 4, 2010

Operation: Vegetable Compost!

Did you know that Mother Nature can recycle a lot on her own? Let me tell you how this happens.

You know how dead leaves fall on the ground, and then eventually dissapear into the soil? This is because of all the micro organisms in the soil. They eat the dead leaves slowly, until there is no more left for it to eat. Some of the organisms in the soil include- Fungi, Worms, Insects, and other bacteria. Fact- One tablespoon of forest soil contains about 50 billion of these organisms? Unbelievable, isn't it? That is the start of a process that eventually ends up in fertilizing the soil tenfold, making it much richer that is was before!

So, now comes the amazing part. These foods are all examples of biodegradable items- Stale Bread, Grass, Vegetable Skins (Or peelings), eggshells, tea bags, etc. They are all compost-able. Which means you do not have to throw all those foods away in you compost bin. Why don't you place all those foods in our backyards or lawns? It does not pollute at all, and you are enriching the soil! So unlike most other items, you don't have to worry about pollution.

Now, here's something to think about: Why don't you start a compost program in your school? Tell a teacher or a principle, and then decide a particular place where you'll leave all your compost waste. Then, all you have to do and wait for mother nature do do the cleaning for you! Isn't that great?


  1. What a great idea! I think that you are giving out such important information and everyone should read your blog and learn from it. Good job!!
