Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Paper Saver Mode!

Ahoy! Let's get back to the important matter at hand. I think you know I am talking about saving the Earth. Anyway, just wanted to share with you what I found during my research. Hope you find it interesting!

Now, I am not sure what you do after you read a newspaper or finish writing on a piece of paper. You most probably throw it away right? Well, don't. Look at these numbers. If you recycle paper (which I hope you are doing), they are pulped and shredded. Then, they are turned into recycle paper and maybe even harder substances like cardboard. Fact: For every metric ton of recycled items, you are saving 17 trees, approximately 5,500 gallons of water, and you are saving 270 gallons of petroleum needed to make new paper. Now, that is a lot of life, money, and natural resources your saving. See, your saving lives by just throwing your paper in the recycling bin! To know what is recyclable, there will be a picture somewhere on the product. The picture is at the bottom of the page. It is 3 arrows all revolving behind each other.

I hope you are now informed about this issue. So, I just have one more thing to say. People who are reading this, it is time to change our mode to: Paper Saver Mode!!! Until next time, bye!

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